
Search results

  1. PunkRockDoc

    Rear Heated Seat Needs Service?

    Only had my R1T for 3 months. Have used all of the heated seats previously with now problem. Tonight, Iā€™m getting an error message for the rear driverā€™s side seat. Is this something that s hard reset could fix?
  2. PunkRockDoc

    I Don’t’ Miss CarPlay

    Iā€™m a longtime Mac guy and iPhone user. i loved CarPlay once I retrofitted my Mazda to get it. In fact, a car not supporting it was a deal breaker for a long time. As I became more and more interested in an EV, I made peace with the fact that the big players (Tesla and Rivian) didnā€™t support...
  3. PunkRockDoc

    Sound quality with phone tethering

    Has anyone noticed a difference in sound quality when using Spotify or Apple Music off of a tethered phone versus connect+?
  4. PunkRockDoc

    Connecticut Combination License Plates

    I finally received my CT license plates 2-1/2 months after my R1T was delivered. They sent me Combination plates, which Iā€™m guessing has to do with CT state law requiring such plates for any truck with a gross weight of over 8500 pounds. However, when I searched for information about the...
  5. PunkRockDoc

    Disconnecting Charger After Scheduled Charging

    Hi Everyone, just wondering if Iā€™m doing something wrong. When my R1T is finished charging to my set limit, the app and the truck say that charging is complete. The button to ā€œstop chargingā€œ is grayed out, which makes sense because itā€™s, you know, done charging. However, when I press the...
  6. PunkRockDoc

    Charger installation indoors or outdoors?

    Just wondering where most New Englanders install their chargers. Was plan Iā€™m on putting it in my garage, but my Dad is freaking out about EV car charging tires his electrician friends have warned him about.
  7. PunkRockDoc

    Connect+ Trial Over?

    For some reason, I thought the trial was supposed to last until 10/15. I received an e-mail on 9/17 saying my trial was halfway over, so I thought I had one month left. Anyway, today it seems I am turned off from Connect+. Guess itā€™s time to see if I can live without itā€¦
  8. PunkRockDoc

    My Dog is Afraid of my R1T

    Iā€™ve had my 2024 R1T for 4 days now or so, and I love it so far. My dog, though? Heā€™s terrified of it. Like, wonā€™t leave the house if itā€™s in the driveway terrified. Heā€™s a good size dog- 70 lb chocolate lab mix. I think it has to do with the noises the truck makes when it wakes and...
  9. PunkRockDoc

    Gear Shop Delivery Timing?

    For in stock items, what is the usual wait time? I ordered the tailgate pad on Friday. It said it was in stock, but has yet to ship.
  10. PunkRockDoc

    Gear Cable Included with 2024 R1T?

    Hi Everyone, Pretty psyched to take delivery of my 2024 R1T next week! I read over the checklist that Electrified Outdoors put together and noticed that the gear guard cable wasnā€™t listed. I thought I had read that the short cable was included with the truck. Is that still true for the 2024s...
  11. PunkRockDoc

    Screen Protectors - Yay or Nay?

    Never really thought of getting screen protectors for a car. What are everyoneā€™s opinions? Also, if leasing, can apply them? Or is that considered a ā€œ cosmetic changeā€?
  12. PunkRockDoc

    ChargePoint Home Flex - Hardwired or Plug In?

    Is it better to have the level 2 charger hardwired in or just plug into a 240V outlet? Have to install whichever one, trying to decide which is better. Per the ChargePoint website, the hardwired version can support 50A vs 40A for the plug in.
  13. PunkRockDoc

    What Happens at Service Center Pre Delivery?

    I was excited to receive a text the other day informing me that my new 2024 R1T had arrived at my service center and was being prepped for delivery which is tentatively schedule in ā€¦ 1 month?! Waiting longer is not a big deal for me, but it has made me curious. If the truck is indeed at the...
  14. PunkRockDoc

    Question About Lease - due at signing

    Iā€˜m going through all of the paperwork as I prepare for my delivery on 8/1 And I noticed that the value on my payment page listed as ā€œTotal Amount Dueā€ is about $500 more than the ā€œTotal Due at Signingā€ that is listed on the Transaction Summary page, the Leasing Details page, the Due at Signing...
  15. PunkRockDoc

    Proof of Insurance in Connecticut prior to Delivery

    looking for any Connecticut owners/leas out there for advice. My insurance agent is telling me that they canā€™t provide me with a proof of insurance document until I actually start paying the premium. Makes sense. Will Rivian schedule a delivery date for me without proof of insurance...
  16. PunkRockDoc

    Adjust Starting Milage on Lease to Account for SC Location?

    Excited to picke up my lease R1T. Not too jazzed to immediately put 130 miles on it day one driving it home from the service center given that leases have restricted miles. Has anyone been able to get theor lease adjusted to reflect this mileage? I canā€™t afford the $1K home delivery fee.
  17. PunkRockDoc

    Leasing in Connecticut -- how's yearly vehicle property tax handled?

    Does anyone know how Rivian handles the yearly vehicle property tax with their leases?
  18. PunkRockDoc

    How Much Does Employee Discount Affect Lease Pricing?

    Hi Everyone, Demoā€™d an R1T today and loved it. Rep mentioned an employee discount on the large pack. Tonight, I found a max pack that was less expensive. Trying to figure out if the discount will bring the lease price on a large pack down below the on the max pack.
