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  1. MannyMan

    Sagging - is this normal?

    Not normal. It’s leaking. Take it in to have it repaired.
  2. MannyMan

    20" Inch Tire size recalibration successful by mobile service

    You don’t know the average consumer than if you think that adding that to the menu is easy. The average consumer will choose a different size tire in the menu and call to complain/sue because his tires didn’t change to the option he chose on the menu. :headbang:
  3. MannyMan

    Asymmetric headlights - is this normal?

    Yes. Normal. The beam is shaped like that due to regulations and DOT compliance.
  4. MannyMan

    Rivian Meets 2024 Production Targets

    I'm so happy and glad to see Rivian doing better on the business side of things. I definitely see another Rivian vehicle in my future. Can't wait for R2! Go Rivian! :clap::clap::clap:
  5. MannyMan

    Most memorable moment with your Rivian in 2024?

    My most memorable moment was when I sold my Rivian.... Build quality and reliability were the biggest issues for me. I'd definitely give Rivian another chance with the R2. The R1 vehicles are not built to my standards, coming from high-end German vehicles.
  6. MannyMan


    Thank you and Happy Hanukkah! ✡✡🕎🕎 חג שמח!
  7. MannyMan

    R3X & R2 Holiday Videos From Rivian

    Why are they wasting money on these expensive ads?! They should be focusing on fixing this and that and building RANs and service centers!! Rivian sucks!!!
  8. MannyMan

    Comma AI / OpenPilot Autopilot Progress on R1!

    If I'd still owned my Rivian, I'd have definitely buy the harness and use it! I've used CommaAI before and it's great! Good job!
  9. MannyMan

    Rivian in the news- “it started smoking”

    I can't believe how dumb can people be... People like this drive around us every day. Scary stuff... What's next?? She's gonna hit someone and say she didn't know how to stop???
  10. MannyMan

    Another Tire Bites the Dust

    If they won't replace it under the road hazard warranty, plug it. I wouldn't replace it, plugging it works perfectly fine.
  11. MannyMan

    Brutal Vampire Drain

    My 2024 BMW iX was parked at the airport for a month and a half almost, lost 2% this entire time. Parked it with 56% and it was at 54% when I came back. I was checking the app every day and the cameras were on the entire time. Connected EVs can definitely be very efficient when it comes to...
  12. MannyMan

    How to turn off headlights

    Can't go fully off if the vehicle is moving. Parking lights have to stay on.
  13. MannyMan

    Amazon - Rivian Delivery Van Hits Milestone: 20k Deployed

    They have other EVs, not only Rivians. They have Ford e-Transit also.
  14. MannyMan

    Bought a used R1T Quad

    It puts a load on the motors and that draws a lot of current from the battery, which in turn heats up the motors and the batteries.
  15. MannyMan

    Bought a used R1T Quad

    Same here in Arizona. Never got my motors over 250F. And I only got to 250 after a few hard pulls back to back.
  16. MannyMan

    Anyone else have this creaking old truck sound?

    Same here. If the SC had more availability and was more competent, I’d definitely keep it. PHX SC is always 3-4 months out.
  17. MannyMan

    Anyone else have this creaking old truck sound?

    Same. Just parted ways with my R1T for the same reasons.
