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  1. 2024.19.04 update going public today! + Software update review video

    Given a previous update broke my front drivers seat controls....I'm gonna have to wait a bit for some of you to test this one out before I download it.
  2. Rivian Guides are no more. Customer service communications now handled by Service Centers

    Yeah my guide was terrible. Unresponsive, would handle my requests for things like address updated incorrectly. I know people who had great experiences but it was definitely inconsistent so I'm not opposed to this move at all.
  3. R3 / R3X Dimensions: ~161.4 in length / ~59.5 in height ?

    I had an i3 and I LOVED that car. I now have an Ioniq5 and while it's a great car, it's almost too big for me. The fact that this has all the DNA of Rivian design in a small i3 level package has me beyond excited. Looks like the R3 is about 3-4 inches longer, 3 inches lower height. I just...
  4. Full Ocean Coast Interior Photos (without wood trim)

    Oh, and your images loaded now. I'm not sure what was going on, probably my signal
  5. Full Ocean Coast Interior Photos (without wood trim)

    I'm not sure where I read that they were working on the various cor accent lighting. Probably here somewhere.
  6. Full Ocean Coast Interior Photos (without wood trim)

    For some reason your pictures aren't loading on my phone now but ours is glacial white exterior, 21" wheels, large pack quad motor with full OC interior. Maybe a bit different. But yeah I've never seen another full OC interior so it's nice to see more out there. We're a rare breed it seems.
  7. Full Ocean Coast Interior Photos (without wood trim)

    Congrats! Yeah originally we wanted the light ash interior but then they discontinued that (I'm not even sure they ever made any, certainly not for the R1S). We still wanted the light interior, but it was the full vegan interior vs the dark wood. Originally I was pushing for the dark wood...
  8. Full Ocean Coast Interior Photos (without wood trim)

    Actually the top dash is black so the reflection wouldn't be any different than the other color interiors. It is hard to tell in my picture it seems but it's the same. So no issues with any reflection. Hope that helps
  9. Full Ocean Coast Interior Photos (without wood trim)

    I can't say I've ever noticed it. I'm not saying it doesn't but it's never come to my attention. I'll try to pay specific attention to that next time it's sunny.
  10. Really long Service Issue

    Yeah that's my next plan, is drive with them. We're expecting golf ball sized hail tonight so I opted to pick it up today rather than leave it at the service center outside but I think that will be my next step here.
  11. Really long Service Issue

    I have a suspension "issue" on my R1S, when going over any sort of bumps at lower speeds it sounds like a clunk/hollow sound. I have never driven a vehicle with air suspension before so I chalked it up to that until this past week when I had the car in for service and they gave me a loaner R1S...
  12. 2024.03.02 Software Update: Quick Control Shortcuts, Improved Soft Sand Mode, New Ride Feel Setting, Etc.

    I got my diagnostics back from the service center and bottom line, there was a previous software failure that was "blocking" this one. And there was no way a re-push was going to fix my issue, they had to reflash the whole thing which has resolved it. But that's only something they can do at...
  13. 2024.03.02 Software Update: Quick Control Shortcuts, Improved Soft Sand Mode, New Ride Feel Setting, Etc.

    Ok I have an update from the service center. I had a previous issue where my seat controls stopped working. Turns out it was because the controller that runs those didn't get the .50 update correctly and so what happens apparently is when a new update comes out it will try to bring any out of...
  14. Poll - Do you plan to place R2 Reservation for $100?

    Also happy with my R1S. We have an ioniq 5 currently as our second vehicle and don't need to make any changes right now. I am excited to see what the R2 has in store and hopefully the price point opens up the door for more people to enjoy Rivian.
  15. 2024.03.02 Software Update: Quick Control Shortcuts, Improved Soft Sand Mode, New Ride Feel Setting, Etc.

    They got back to me, since I already have a service appointment tomorrow for something else they said they'd just take care of it then. Hopefully they can resolve for you remotely.
  16. 2024.03.02 Software Update: Quick Control Shortcuts, Improved Soft Sand Mode, New Ride Feel Setting, Etc.

    No they had me try the full reset and that didn't fix it. The support person on the phone told me he could see that the update applies most of the update but failed to finish some component. I just happen to have a service appointment tomorrow for something else so he said they would have to...
  17. 2024.03.02 Software Update: Quick Control Shortcuts, Improved Soft Sand Mode, New Ride Feel Setting, Etc.

    Updated failed to install for me but I have the new pop out feature so it must have partially worked. I'm getting an error though saying it failed and to contact support. They told me it's drivable but the team is off Monday for the holiday so I probably won't hear back until Tuesday and they...
  18. Feature Request: Climatize on exit

    Yeah I could do pet mode. Again I know this sounds petty but that takes 3 clicks, I really liked the implementation that put it in your face with a single click.
  19. Feature Request: Climatize on exit

    I used to own a BMW i3 and one of the most underrated features that car had was a pop up that came up when you turned off the car that asked if you wanted to turn on climate control. It does dnt function any differently than what you can do in the app but the convenience factor alone made...
